Founding Principles - Wantage Probus Club

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Founding Principles

The Probus Club is organised for retired and semi-retired professional and business men, who share financial, scientific, technical or managerial backgrounds.

It aims to provide a forum for like-minded people, to enjoy each other’s company, through monthly lunch meetings and external events.

Accordingly, it is founded upon nine principles of operation:
  1. Provision of a conducive environment to foster good fellowship

  2. Provision of quality meals at reasonable prices, to encourage attendance and interactive discussions

  3. Provision of a speaker programme to educate and entertain

  4. Provision of an events programme to visit places of outstanding natural beauty or historical interest

  5. Provision of feedback opportunities to encourage inputs on running the club, including an AGM

  6. Provision of leadership opportunities to serve members in a meaningful way, including a committee

  7. Provision of a welfare system to contact and encourage sick members and their wives/partners

  8. Provision of a ladies lunch once a year, to promote social interaction with member’s wives/partners

  9. Provision of sound financial management, to pay for meals, speaker expenses, hall charges and events

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